Category: Learn how to work with data
These are all articles about working with data.
If you work in the digital world, there's a good chance being better with data will help you.
How to get un-sampled Google Analytics data with python (& without)
A guide on how to get un-sampled data out of Google analytics with python (and without). We'll also go through the basics of how sampling works.
How to install a python library?
A basic step by step tutorial on how to install a python library. Nothing fancy here.
What is a jupyter notebook and how do I use it?
A guide on how to use the basics of Jupyter notebook. What is it, how can you use it and why do I mention it all the time?
How to get Excel in regex?
A step by step guide to getting regex in Excel. What else could you possibly want.
How (& why) to use Python for basic data analysis instead of Excel
Jupyter Notebooks (and python) are a fantastic place to analyse data. If you spend a lot of your time analysing data in Excel or Google sheets, you should absolutely consider learning how to use them. This post is a tutorial on getting started.
How to set up Python for Marketers
We're going to learn how to set-up python, step by step for Windows or Mac.